

Deciding to have a baby is such a big thing, that when you plan for it all you are really thinking about is the end result, becoming a parent and what that will mean and how much your life will change, that I never really gave the pregnancy part much thought and what 'being pregnant' and those nine months up until your baby comes will really mean. 

They say nothing worth having comes easy and that is certainly the case in pregnancy. The past 30 odd weeks have been such a whirlwind that now I'm drawing closer to the end it makes me look back on what a journey it has been already. Don't get me wrong, yes pregnancy is the most amazing thing that could happen and I look at myself in the mirror every day and cant believe how lucky I am, but it still doesn't mean it hasn't been hard at times, and sometimes we as women are so afraid of seeming 'ungrateful' of being pregnant, or that we 'aren't handling' it that there can be a stigma against sharing how hard, strange,confusing and a million other feelings that you go through with others. Nothing can describe the feelings of sheer panic to sheer joy you feel when you are pregnant, but growing a human life inside you is a pretty huge deal and women should be able to freely talk of the up's and downs. 

So much of what I have seen on social media and the internet is perfect pregnant bodies, with perfect babies , perfect lives that when your 33 weeks pregnant, wearing your boyfriends old star wars top, spending half your day watching Jeremy Kyle not having washed your hair for days and contemplating whether you will ever feel like your old self again it can be hard not to compare yourself to the highlight reel of others. 'Seriously she has NO stretch marks?' 'Wow she has a full face of make up on moments after giving birth and looks amazing and I can't find the strength even now most days to do my eyebrows..' that not comparing can sometimes be a hard thing to achieve.. which is the most ridiculous way of thinking, because whoever you are and whatever your pregnancy journey is you are doing amazing.

My 24th birthday - 24 weeks pregnant! 

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